Probate after Centralization

Daniel attended the University of California at Los Angeles, graduating in 1984 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. He attended Loyola Law School and received his Juris Doctorate in 1987. While attending Loyola Law School, Daniel clerked at the law firm of Chase, Rotchford, Drukker & Bogust from May 1985 to December 1987.
Daniel was appointed Superior Court Judge for the County of Los Angeles in October, 2005 by Governor Schwartznegger. He is currently assigned to the Probate Department in the Stanley Mosk Courthouse.
As an attorney, Daniel served eighteen years as a municipal lawyer for the City of Long Beach. He handled both civil and criminal cases for the city.
Daniel has taught Business Law and various paralegal courses at Cerritos Community College from 2002 to the present.
Trust, Probate & Senior Real Estate Services
Over 400 Probate & Trust estates sold
We are unlike any other Realtor. At NO upfront cost to the estate we fix up the home, so instead of the buyer making a profit, the estate gets to keep all the equity their family worked a lifetime for.
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Trust, Probate & Senior Real Estate Services
Beverly Hills * Woodland Hills * Newport Beach
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See our video "Don't Let Buyers STEAL your home!"
# 1 Probate & Trust Realtors in Southern California