Secrets of the Filthy Rich: Planning Strategies Your Clients Will Be Asking For

Your affluent families and successful business owners are your most valued clients who expect you to offer the most effective and protective advice available. These clients are paying too much income tax, will incur significant estate taxes when then die, and are continually subjected to the risk of a financially ruinous lawsuit, or a divorce that ties up their separate property until the marriage is formally dissolved.
This work shop will cover many of the newest “disruptive technologies” coveted by your best clients. You will learn about the NING Trust, The HYCET Trust®, Decanting to fix a broken trust, asset protection planning, and The Private Retirement Plan (the best asset protection planning no one has heard of).
Speaker: Jeffrey M. Verdon, Esq., is the managing partner of Jeffrey M. Verdon Law Group, LLP, one of Orange County’s premier comprehensive estate planning and asset protection law firms. The firm’s planning focuses on the affluent family and successful business owner integrating advanced estate and income tax planning with the “firewall” protections afforded by effective asset protection planning.
Thank you to this month's speaker sponsor, Onisko & Scholz, LLP
Thank you to our annual sponsor, Wells Fargo